Monday, January 28, 2008

Wahabisme, Salafi, Ibn Tamiya, Osama

Wahabisme, Salafi, Ibn Tamiya, Osama


Wahabisme, Salafi, Ibn Tamiya, Osama
Dont Listening Who Deny Tariqah
Mawlana Syaikh Nazim Adil al Haqqani

Our Mursyid, Maulana Syaikh Nazim Al Haqqani has warned us about the danger of listening those who deny tariqats. [Please you read Mercy Oceans Book Two, Winter Lectures, 1980]

Grandsheikh Abdullah al Faizi Daghestani is cautioning us on an important point. Shah Bahauddin Naqshband, the main pillar of the Naqshbandi Order, was advising his khalifa, Ala'udin Al Bukhori: "DO NOT listen to a learned-person who denies the way of Tariqats"
If listening to him, then for three days syaitan will be in command of you. If you do not ask for repentance in 3 days, syaitan will take you for fourty days. Then if you do not repent in 40 days, you must expect a CURSE to fall on you for one year.

Now in our times, so many people are refusing Tariqats. Leave them. Do NOT argue with them. They are like Abu Jahl. Rasulullah SAW spoke to him, but Abu Jahl did not accept.
We are not more powerful than Rasulullah SAW .....Astaghfirullahal adhiim wa atuubu ilaih...Wassalamu'alaikum wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuhu...

Wa min Allah at Tawfiq

The Last Dervish Warrior

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